I’ve just received an Ahpra notification, what now?

Ive just received an Ahpra notification what now website image

When pharmacists receive regulatory notifications, a range of common misconceptions can cloud their perception and impede their ability to respond effectively. Among these misconceptions are feelings of inadequacy, where a pharmacist may question their competence and professional capabilities in light of the notification. Fear of judgement from peers or superiors often follows, leading to a reluctance to seek assistance or guidance in navigating the situation. This hesitancy may stem from worries about the embarrassment of the circumstances or concerns about tarnishing the reputation of their business or practice. Additionally, the fear of losing their licence may exacerbate anxieties and hinder proactive engagement with the notification process. These misconceptions, while understandable, can be detrimental if left unaddressed.

PDL would like to dispel these common myths and provide pharmacists with the support and resources needed to confidently address regulatory notifications. The PDL Master Policy can assist pharmacists in responding to a regulatory notification.


The following table from Ahpra encompassing all healthcare professionals (not limited to pharmacists) indicates that approximately 1% of Ahpra notifications result in a practitioner’s registration being suspended, cancelled or disqualified. It is noteworthy that many of these notifications, approximately 62.7%, get closed with no further regulatory action.

Ahpra table for notifcation

The below data is specific to pharmacist notifications and is available on Page 39 of Ahpra’s 2022/23 annual report.

Figure 53 sources notification
Figure 54 most common types of complaints
Figure 55 notifications closed

Top tips

PDL recommends the following steps to any pharmacist who has received a regulatory notification:

  1. Get support
    • Do not hesitate to reach out to a trusted colleague, friend, family member or mentor for guidance and emotional support.
    • Consider professional support available through your general practitioner and Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
    • Reach out to the Pharmacists’ Support Service if necessary.
  2. Contact PDL
    • Contacting your professional indemnity insurance provider is crucial. Guidance and support are available to help you navigate the complexities of a regulatory notification with confidence.
  3. Reflect
    • Take time to identify and reflect on contributing factors that have led to the incident.
    • Identify any knowledge or skill gaps and consider undertaking CPD activities to address these gaps and enhance professional competence.
  4. Incident report
  5. Build prevention strategies
    • Collaborate with colleagues to develop and implement robust prevention strategies. This may include, but is not limited to, enhanced quality control measures, improved communication protocols and ongoing staff training initiatives.

PDL would like to urge all members to take regulatory notifications seriously. PDL would also like to reassure pharmacists that receiving a regulatory notification does not mark the end of the road. As a healthcare professional, encountering a regulatory notification during your career is not uncommon. While it may be daunting and stressful, it is an opportunity for growth and learning. Remember that seeking support is crucial and you are not alone in navigating this process.

For immediate advice and incident support, call PDL on 1300 854 838 to speak with one of our Professional Officers. We are here to support our pharmacist members 24/7, Australia-wide.