Oral contraceptive resupply service- what NSW and ACT pharmacists need to know

Oral contraceptive resupply service- what NSW and ACT pharmacists need to know

NSW pharmacists

The oral contraceptive resupply component of the NSW Pharmacy Trial ceased on 27 September 2024. From 28 September 2024, NSW pharmacists holding general registration, who have completed the required training and are working in a pharmacy with suitable facilities, can continue a prescription for the resupply of a low-risk oral contraceptive pill for eligible patients as per the new Class Authority.

Pharmacist and pharmacy requirements

To provide this service, pharmacists must:

  • Confirm their insurance coverage – the PDL Master Policy automatically includes Professional Indemnity cover for members who provide this service as per the NSW Health Class Authority.
  • Comply with all relevant legislation as per NSW Health.
  • Complete the relevant education and training via the Australasian College of Pharmacy or the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia.
  • Ensure the service is carried out in a clearly designated consulting room.
  • Practice in accordance with the NSW pharmacist practice standards for the continuation of hormonal contraception.
  • Make and keep a clinical record of the consultation for seven years.
  • Within a week of the consultation, share a record of the consultation with the patient’s usual treating medical practitioner or medical practice, when applicable. Please note that patients must provide consent for the record to be shared.
  • Maintain an up-to-date service listing on the healthdirect National Health Services Directory (NHSD). Consumers searching for OCP services can then find your pharmacy by visiting the NHSD or calling healthdirect on 1800 022 222 (24-hour helpline).

Patient eligibility

Patients will be eligible for a resupply of a low-risk oral contraceptive pill at a participating pharmacy, provided they are:

  • Female.
  • Aged 18 to 49 years (inclusive). Noting there is a limited resupply available for patients aged 40-49 years to address the increased health risks in this age group.
  • Be taking a low-risk oral contraceptive pill for contraception reasons (to prevent unplanned pregnancy).
  • Have taken the pill continuously for two years, as prescribed by a doctor (GP) or nurse practitioner.

A patient who has run out of repeats, or their prescription has expired, is eligible as long as they meet the above criteria.

ACT pharmacists

Communication from the University of Newcastle research team advised that from 28 September 2024 until 30 June 2025, the 15 ACT pharmacies currently participating in the OC trial can continue OC resupply service delivery. This includes the patient age range for the service in the ACT remaining the same as in the trial. ACT Health will issue these pharmacies with a variation to their Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Other Licence. This variation will reflect the cessation of the NSW Pharmacy Trial, and the licensing requirements pharmacies will be expected to continue to follow during the stated time.

PDL tips for providing a successful service

  • Ensure the pharmacy has adequate protocols and procedures in place for the service and that all staff are trained in their roles. Guidance on this can be found in the PDL ‘Look before you leap’ CPD activity.
  • Ensure the patient provides informed and financial consent before providing the service. Service fees are at the pharmacy’s discretion and are in addition to medication costs.
  • Any promotional material provided by the NSW Pharmacy Trial should be removed. Further promotion of this service must be in accordance with the TGA guidelines.

Reporting to PDL

Pharmacists are reminded to report any event or incident to PDL, and internally via the pharmacy’s incident reporting procedures. PDL is ready to support NSW and ACT pharmacists in the provision of this service, and reassures community pharmacists that the PDL Master Policy includes Professional Indemnity cover for members who provide this service in accordance with approved legislative authority and guidelines.

Pharmacy proprietors should confirm their indemnity status with their business insurer to ensure they cover this new service. Pharmacists with a current Guild Insurance Pharmacy Business Insurance Policy are encouraged to contact their account manager or call 1800 810 213 to obtain confirmation of policy coverage.

For immediate advice and incident support, call PDL on 1300 854 838 to speak with one of our Professional Officers. We are here to support our pharmacist members 24/7, Australia-wide.

Insurance issued by Guild Insurance Limited ABN 55 004 538 863, AFS Licence No. 233791 and subject to terms, conditions and exclusions. Guild Insurance supports PDL through the payment of referral fees. This information is of a general nature only. Please refer to the policy wording and policy schedule for details. For more information, call PDL on 1300 854 838.