PDL Western Australia Local Advisory Committee vacancy for pharmacists

WA Local Advisory Committee vacancy

PDL is seeking expressions of interest from pharmacists to join the WA Local Advisory Committee (LAC).


PDL LACs are established throughout Australia to help meet the needs of PDL members involved in an incident requiring assistance covered under their Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance policy, or other matters relating to risk mitigation in their professional practice as a pharmacist.


The WA LAC provides value to PDL members and the organisation, and a committee member’s position includes the following roles:

  1. To provide the Professional Officers with support and input in relation to matters pertaining to a pharmacist’s role under the relevant legislation and professional standards in WA, and as included in the PDL Master Policy. This may occasionally include direct LAC member support for a PDL member at the discretion of the member and the PDL Professional Officers.
  2. To offer feedback on emerging areas of pharmacy practice to the Professional Officers, the LAC Chair and local Director, and to the PDL Board, via these channels when required.
  3. To represent the diversity of the profession personally and through their work in the profession.
  4. To support the Professional Officers and the organisation through representation at pharmacy events.
  5. To offer contributions to the development of risk mitigation and incident management resources including education material and member engagement events.

LAC duties

The LAC is appointed by the PDL Board in an advisory capacity to members of PDL. It has no executive authority. Duties include the following:

  • Provide strategic care and guidance for all PDL members.
  • Bring to the attention of the PDL Board any matter that it regards as relevant to the enhancement of pharmacy, such as risk management, pharmacist support services, use of technology, packaging and labelling, warnings to members and any other matter it sees fit.
  • Members of the LAC are expected to remain current with pharmacy practice relevant to their scope, especially regarding risk for pharmacists and error reduction.
  • It is expected all LAC members will have a good understanding of local and national regulatory requirements and be prepared to represent PDL at events and presentations and to assist members.
  • The LAC aims to represent the diverse demographic of pharmacy in relation to gender, experience and pharmacy setting.

Committee membership

This is a part-time Committee role, typically involving four meetings per year and an annual national seminar.

Membership of the LAC attracts a small honorarium.

The vacancy

PDL is seeking expressions of interest from members in WA who are interested in contributing to the profession through PDL.

Members from all areas of practice, including Early Career Pharmacists, are encouraged to register their interest in becoming a member of the WA LAC.

For more information or to ask any questions, please email the WA LAC Chair, Tracy Routledge, at Tracy.Routledge@pdl.org.au or phone 0407944314.

To apply, please provide a brief summary of recent experience, reason for the application to join the WA LAC and a CV to the WA LAC Chair, Tracy Routledge, at Tracy.Routledge@pdl.org.au.

Expressions of interest applications close Wednesday, 26 March 2025.

All applications will be considered by the WA LAC Chair, WA Director and the Professional Officers, and prospective candidates will be referred to the PDL Board for confirmation.