NSW/ACT UTI trial update

NSW ACT UTI trial update 2
Disclaimer: This article was published in 2023 and reflects the information available at that time.


The NSW Government-sponsored clinical trial for the management of urinary tract infections (UTIs) by community pharmacists was expanded on 31 July 2023 to include more than 1000 pharmacies following the successful completion of the feasibility study. The ACT has now joined the trial with five ACT pharmacies participating.

The trial aims to evaluate the implementation and impact of a UTI service model over a 10-month study period, delivered by community pharmacists in NSW and five pharmacies in the ACT, managing UTIs for a specific patient cohort (women aged between 18 years and 65 years) presenting with symptoms consistent with an uncomplicated UTI.

The University of Newcastle is leading the trial in association with the University of Technology Sydney, Macquarie University, the University of New England, Charles Sturt University, The George Institute for Global Health and the Hunter Medical Research Institute. Medical, pharmaceutical and consumer organisations are involved in the governance of the project as part of a steering committee.

Important note

This is a research trial and only community pharmacies and pharmacists that have been accepted into the trial and have met the requirements outlined in the NSW Health Authority are allowed to provide this service to eligible patients. A Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Other Licence has been issued to participating ACT pharmacies. Only appropriately trained pharmacists (i.e. approved pharmacists) employed in eligible community pharmacies (i.e. approved pharmacies) that meet the requirements will be able to deliver the UTI service.

PDL continues to support the profession and members in the provision of professional services, and PDL representatives have and continue to provide input to the trial regarding risk management for this service.

For pharmacists participating in or considering an application to join the trial, the PDL Master Policy automatically includes professional indemnity cover for members providing this service in line with the approved guidelines. PDL members do not need to inform PDL of their involvement in the pilot and main study. Pharmacy proprietors are reminded to confirm their indemnity status for this service with their business insurer. Proprietors who hold a current Pharmacy Business Insurance Policy with Guild Insurance are covered for this service, however they will still need to notify Guild Insurance that they will be participating in this trial.

Expressions of interest

Pharmacies and pharmacists in NSW seeking to become involved in the trial are required to submit an expression of interest. Please note that eligibility conditions apply, including naming the pharmacist(s) who would potentially deliver the service. Those named pharmacists will be contacted for individual consent once the pharmacy has been approved. An expression of interest does not guarantee participation in the trial. Expressions of interest for the ACT component of the trial have now closed.

Additional training is required to participate in the clinical trial. This is to ensure safe clinical care and familiarity with the specific requirements of the trial. The clinical trial team will provide all necessary information once participation is confirmed. Training is available through the the Australasian College of Pharmacy and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia.

More information about the trial can be found on the NSW Health information web page.

PDL members can call 1300 854 838 for advice and incident support from one of our Professional Officers. Supporting our pharmacist members 24/7.