NT pharmacist immunisation update

NT pharmacist immunisation update

A recent update to the Immunisation Scheduled Substance Treatment Protocol (SSTP) for Pharmacists V2 in the NT has expanded the list of vaccines a pharmacist may administer. The updated SSTP means that pharmacists may now administer any of the vaccines listed in the SSTP to persons aged 5 years and older as recommended in, and according to, the Australian Immunisation Handbook (AIH). This includes vaccination in line with funded programs delivered under the NT Immunisation Schedule or the National Immunisation Program.

Prior to offering this service, pharmacists must:

  • Confirm their insurance coverage – the PDL Master Policy automatically includes Professional Indemnity cover for members who provide this service in line with the Immunisation SSTP V2.
  • Be registered with the Pharmacy Board of Australia with no conditions or undertakings which may limit the delivery of clinical services.
  • Complete the approved training as outlined in the Immunisation SSTP V2.
  • Hold a current Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certificate.
  • Maintain continuing professional development and competencies required for the administration of vaccines including the use of multi-dose vials and management of anaphylaxis.
  • Be familiar with any current contraindications or exclusions as outlined in the Australian Immunisation Handbook.
    Administration premises requirements

All premises

Vaccines must be administered in a location, service and manner that allows the pharmacist to manage anaphylaxis. All premises must be equipped with an Emergency Response Kit as set out in the Immunisation SSTP V2. Administration of a vaccine under the Immunisation SSTP V2 protocol must only occur where another person, who holds a current Basic Life Support Certificate or Provide First Aid Certificate, is immediately available to provide emergency assistance if required.

Pharmacy premises

Pharmacies providing vaccination under the Immunisation SSTP V2 must also meet the requirements set out in the current PS5 Premises and Equipment Standard for Pharmacy Based Immunisations.

Non-pharmacy locations

In addition to the above requirements, vaccines administered in a location other than a pharmacy premises must meet the requirements set out in the Immunisation SSTP V2.


PDL would like to remind pharmacists of the importance of documenting any vaccination service provided to a patient. Patient consent, whether written or verbal, must be documented. Patient details, vaccine brand name, dose, site of administration and batch number must be recorded in the Australian Immunisation Register within 24 hours and no later than 10 days, after administration. Documentation should be stored securely to ensure patient privacy.

PDL has developed the Guide to Medicines by Injection to assist pharmacists in delivering a vaccination service.

Monitoring and reporting requirements

Pharmacists are reminded of their monitoring requirements post vaccination under the Immunisation SSTP V2. Adverse events during or post vaccination must be reported to the NT Centre for Disease Control.

Pharmacists are advised to report any event or incident to PDL, and internally via the pharmacy’s incident reporting procedure. PDL supports NT pharmacists on the provision of the expanded vaccinations available.

More information on this service can be found on the NT Health website.

PDL members can call 1300 854 838 for advice and incident support from one of our Professional Officers.