South Australian pharmacists trained to vaccinate can now administer any vaccine to patients in line with the Australian Immunisation Handbook, with or without a lawful prescription. The administration of a vaccine must be within the pharmacist’s individual scope of practice. Note, pharmacists are not permitted to provide vaccines to patients for self-administration or administration by another health professional without a valid prescription.
The PDL Scope of Practice Checklist can help pharmacists determine whether providing extended vaccination administration services is within their scope. The PDL Guide to Medicines by Injection is also available to support pharmacists and their teams prepare for and deliver current and future vaccination services.
Vaccinating pharmacists may administer vaccines under the National Immunisation Program Vaccinations in Pharmacy (NIPVIP), state-funded programs or privately. Pharmacists can now also provide vaccinations for travel purposes.
Intern pharmacists are permitted to administer vaccines under the direct supervision of a registered and trained vaccinating pharmacist. Both the supervising pharmacist and the intern must ensure that they meet all the legislative requirements set out in s 18(3a) of the Controlled Substance (Poisons) Regulation 2011 (SA) and be practising within their scope of practice.
Key considerations for pharmacists providing expanded vaccination services
- Pharmacists should familiarise themselves with recent changes to vaccination provisions and reimbursement mechanisms.
- NIP vaccines administered in community pharmacies are currently subsidised by the Australian Government only when provided to individuals over five years of age.
- If administering vaccines to younger children, pharmacists may need to undertake additional training to ensure it is within their scope of practice.
- All vaccinations must be recorded in the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) including travel vaccines.
- SA Health is expected to release a new Pharmacist Vaccine Administration Protocol later this year.
Reporting to PDL
Pharmacists are reminded to report any incidents or adverse events to PDL, SA Health and internally via the pharmacy’s incident reporting procedures. PDL supports South Australian pharmacists in providing extended vaccination services and reassures members that the PDL Master Policy includes professional indemnity cover for those administering vaccines in accordance with approved guidelines. PDL encourages members to review past related Practice Alerts as part of their risk management strategy.
More information is available on the SA Health website, along with the Fact Sheet – Pharmacist Vaccine Administration, developed by SA Health to assist pharmacists to understand the changes. Further information on resources for immunisers can also be found on the SA Health website – Immunisation resources. Information on immunisation training and education can be found on the PSA Vaccination (Immunisation) Education Hub.
PDL members can call 1300 854 838 for advice and incident support from one of our Professional Officers.
Insurance issued by Guild Insurance Limited ABN 55 004 538 863, AFS Licence No. 233791 and subject to terms, conditions and exclusions. Guild Insurance supports PDL through the payment of referral fees. This information is of a general nature only. Please refer to the policy wording and policy schedule for details. For more information, call PDL on 1300 854 838.