Tasmania pilot to commence 1st March

Tasmania pilot to commence 1st March website image

Tasmanian pharmacists may be aware of the Tasmanian Community Pharmacy Program, scheduled to go live on 1 March 2024. Endorsed pharmacists practising in approved premises will be able to prescribe antibiotics for uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs).

PDL continues to support the profession and members in the provision of professional services. PDL representatives have provided input to the Tasmanian Department of Health regarding risk management for this service.

For pharmacists who are considering joining the pilot, PDL is pleased to state the following:

The PDL Master Policy automatically includes professional indemnity cover for members providing the services in line with the approved pilot guidelines and protocols. Members don’t need to inform PDL of their involvement in the pilot.


The pilot will run for 12 months, concluding on 1 March 2025.

There are application forms that must be completed prior to participating in the pilot, available via the Tasmania Department of Health website. Application for endorsement for both individual pharmacists and business premises will be available throughout the duration of the pilot with no limit on the number of pharmacists or pharmacies.

Additional training is required to participate in the pilot. This is to ensure safe clinical care and familiarity with the specific requirements of the trial. Training will be available through the Australasian College of Pharmacy and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia.

PDL strongly recommends that all record keeping is of a high standard, both professionally and clinically. PDL would like to remind pharmacists to document any declinature and referral of service, ensuring timely and appropriate action.

Consent and privacy
PDL would like to emphasise the critical importance of obtaining patient consent and safeguarding patient privacy whilst undertaking the pilot.

Pharmacists must declare if they are currently subject to any practice restrictions, conditions, undertakings or reprimands imposed by the Pharmacy Board of Australia in their application for endorsement.

Incidents and adverse outcomes
Any adverse outcomes or incidents should be reported to PDL through the member portal and to the Department of Health via email at pharmacyscope@health.tas.gov.au.

Incident reporting plays a crucial role in promoting a culture of safety, quality and continuous improvement in healthcare settings.

Business insurance
Proprietors are to ensure their business insurer is aware of participation in the pilot. Guild Insurance encourages pharmacists with a current Guild Pharmacy Business Insurance Policy to contact their account manager or call 1800 810 213 to obtain confirmation of policy coverage.

Individual pharmacists who are not PDL members
If you’re aware of any pharmacists who are not PDL members, please advise them to check if their professional indemnity insurer covers activities undertaken as part of the pilot.

More information about the pilot can be found on the Department of Health website under the Tasmanian Community Pharmacy Program section.

PDL members can call 1300 854 838 for advice and incident support from one of our Professional Officers. Supporting our pharmacist members 24/7. 

Insurance issued by Guild Insurance Ltd. ABN 55 004 538 863. AFSL 233791 and subject to terms and conditions and exclusions. This information is of a general nature only. Please refer to the Policy Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD) available at guildinsurance.com.au/doc to see if this product is right for you. For more information contact Guild Insurance on 1800 810 213. PHA368372 PDL: Tasmania UTI pilot 02/2024.