Beginning on 1 March 2024, South Australian pharmacists can provide antibiotic treatment without a prescription from a prescriber for uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) to patients who meet certain criteria. It is important to note that this is not a trial; pharmacists who complete the training and the steps below are authorised to supply the antibiotics approved in the Government Gazette from 1 March 2024.
Prior to offering this service, pharmacists must:
- Confirm their insurance coverage – the PDL Master Policy automatically includes professional indemnity cover for members who provide this service in line with the Government Gazette and the SA Health UTI Management Protocol.
- Complete an approved training program as outlined in the Government Gazette. Currently both the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia and the Australasian College of Pharmacy offer approved training programs.
- Familiarise themselves with the requirements of sale or supply of antibiotics and documentation requirements as outlined in the Government Gazette.
- Ensure they have unconditional general registration with Ahpra. Intern pharmacists are currently not permitted to offer this service.
- Comply with all relevant legislation.
- Only offer the service from a pharmacy registered by PRASA, and ensure that conversations during the service can be held in an area and manner that allows for privacy and confidentiality. Ensure that policies and procedures are in place to manage all aspects of workflow.
- Ensure they have familiarised themselves with the UTI Management Protocol.
PDL recommends that pharmacists working in community pharmacies undertake the necessary training early to provide sufficient time to understand the logistics of implementing and offering the service in their workplace. PDL stresses the importance of obtaining patient consent prior to offering the service.
Lessons learned from interstate services
- Ensure the pharmacy has adequate protocols and procedures in place for the service and that all staff are trained in their roles. Guidance on this can be found in the PDL ‘Look before you leap’ CPD activity.
- Ensure patients are aware of symptoms and responses that warrant referral to a GP or hospital – from time to time patients may experience an adverse event or fail to respond to antibiotic therapy. It is important that documentation is kept, reflecting what has been provided to the patient, and that appropriate referral mechanisms are highlighted to the patient should they fail to respond to treatment or experience an adverse event. Note that the UTI Management Protocol advises that:
- patients be provided with the Consumer Medicines Information;
- patients be advised to seek GP or other health service advice if symptoms worsen, or they have not responded to treatment within two days; and
- a record of the consultation be provided to the patient and forwarded to their regular medical practitioner, with consent, at each episode of care.
Reporting to PDL
Pharmacists are reminded to report any event or incident to PDL and internally via the pharmacy’s incident reporting procedures. PDL is ready to support SA pharmacists in the provision of this new service and reassures community pharmacists that the PDL Master Policy includes professional indemnity cover for members who provide this service in accordance with approved guidelines.
Pharmacy proprietors should confirm their indemnity status with their business insurer to ensure they cover this new service. Pharmacists with a current Guild Insurance Pharmacy Business Insurance Policy are encouraged to contact their account manager or call 1800 810 213 to obtain confirmation of policy coverage.
More information on this service can be found on the SA Health website.
PDL members can call 1300 854 838 for advice and incident support from one of our Professional Officers. Supporting our pharmacist members 24/7.
Insurance issued by Guild Insurance Ltd. ABN 55 004 538 863. AFSL 233791 and subject to terms and conditions and exclusions. This information is of a general nature only. Please refer to the Policy Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD) available at to see if this product is right for you. For more information contact Guild Insurance on 1800 810 213.