Election of PDL Directors to the National Board

Election of PDL Directors website image

The following vacancies will occur as of the date of the next Annual General Meeting to be held on 20 October 2022


  • One Director for the State of Victoria
  • One Director for the State of Tasmania

The two incumbent Directors whose terms expire at the 2022 Annual General Meeting (Paul Naismith in Victoria and Joe O’Malley in Tasmania) are both entitled to stand for re-election and have indicated their intention to do so.

Call for nominations as a candidate for the office of Director

Any eligible member (being a financial member, in that they have no annual membership subscription outstanding) who wishes to nominate any other eligible member as a candidate for the office of Director must complete a Director Nomination Form. Eligible members may only nominate a candidate for the office of Director in the State or Territory in which the registered address of that member is located.

The Director Nomination Form must be signed by not less than 10 eligible financial members and also by the person named as a candidate. The candidate must also fit the registration criteria above.

While a sound understanding of the pharmacy profession is important, and representing PDL at events is expected, this is a company director role, with its prime function being oversight and governance of the company. Directors’ prime responsibilities are to identify the company’s strategic direction and goals, and to supervise overall business performance, risk and regulatory compliance.

This involves governance responsibilities encompassing legal, ethical, fiduciary and financial aspects of the company. Candidates are reminded that these responsibilities, and the potential liabilities of Directors, are onerous and not to be taken lightly. All PDL Directors undertake the AICD Company Directors course and maintain their credentials. This is required within six months of commencing the role.

Nomination Form

Director Nomination Forms will be emailed upon request to julie.michel@pdl.org.au.

Nominations for the position of Director must reach the PDL office, by email to julie.michel@pdl.org.au by 4.00pm(AEST) on Sunday 21 August 2022.

G Oliver, Company Secretary