Disclaimer: This article was published in 2023 and reflects the information available at that time.
Meridian Lawyers has collaborated with PDL to prepare an article about professional boundaries and the types of conduct that are likely to be the subject of complaint to regulators.
The article references Ahpra’s 2022/23 annual report, which revealed 841 notifications involving possible failures to maintain appropriate professional boundaries. At the lower end of the spectrum, these behaviours can include comments made by practitioners to patients and colleagues that are contrary to their Board’s Code of Conduct. More serious cases involve inappropriate sexual relationships and even unlawful sexual acts.
While it could be said that the pharmacists are ‘low risk’ for complaints about boundary transgressions, they are certainly not immune. PDL’s recent experience has been that some pharmacists are ‘crossing the line’, whether inadvertently or otherwise. Ahpra data reveals that 20 reports were made against pharmacists for alleged boundary violations in 2022-23 (down from 27 in 2021-22).
Claims about pharmacists breaching professional boundaries can involve patients or pharmacy staff. Allegations have been made against pharmacists from across the spectrum of employment status, location, gender and experience. Areas of professional boundaries discussed in the article include the following:
- Sexual harassment
- Bullying and intimidation
- Discrimination
- Financial and commercial dealings
While pharmacists involved in these areas of regulatory action may feel they have been misunderstood by the complainant, it is important to understand the high standards of professional behaviour expected of all health practitioners.
Titled “Dispensing with inappropriate behaviour – a guide for pharmacists”, the article is available to PDL members in the Guides & Resources section of the website. PDL suggests the associated article would also be a valuable guide for staff training and an asset for any pharmacy’s governance policies.
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