Nominations open for the new PSS award

John Coppock Award websize image

PDL is delighted to sponsor the new Pharmacists’ Support Service (PSS) John Coppock Pharmacist Wellbeing Award, honouring the significant contribution of John to the wellbeing of pharmacists. This will be awarded annually in October, in recognition of Mental Health Month, to a pharmacist, pharmacy intern or student, pharmacy staff member or a pharmacy team who contributes significantly to the wellbeing of members of the pharmacy profession. The recipient will receive a framed certificate and $2,500.

Honouring John Coppock

John’s leadership in pharmacy has been characterised by integrity, strong relationships within the pharmacy profession and a commitment to the concept of pharmacy uniting to support all members of the profession. John has always strongly advocated that members of the profession need to work together for the best outcomes for pharmacists and the Australian community. As well as being President of PSS from 2010 to 2023, he was Chair of PDL for 40 years from 1971 to 2011.

Nomination process

Nominations are open now and will close on 15 September 2024. Nominations will be accepted from any pharmacist, pharmacy staff member or pharmacy team within Australia. All completed nominations should be emailed to Kay Dunkley at

Selection criteria

The John Coppock Pharmacist Wellbeing Award will be awarded to someone or a team who has made a positive and sustained impact by championing mental, emotional and/or physical health and wellbeing within the pharmacy profession.

The award will recognise those who are proactively putting in place a well-thought-through strategy to encourage and promote the physical, emotional and mental health of those working in pharmacy. These initiatives could include new approaches to preventing or managing stressful situations, leading culture change, supporting team members or otherwise benefitting the wellbeing of members of the pharmacy profession.

Employees or contractors working for PSS or PDL are excluded from being nominated or receiving the Award (unless they are part of a larger team and are not involved in leading the project).

Visit the PSS website to find out more & nominate