UTI service mandatory directory listing

UTI service mandatory directory listing website image

Pharmacies in NSW providing a UTI service must meet the requirements of the Authority. Under this authority, pharmacies are required to maintain an up-to-date UTI service listing on the National Health Services Directory (NHSD).

If you are providing a UTI service, we strongly recommend you check the below link to the NHSD Service Finder to ensure your pharmacy is listed as providing a UTI service.

How to check the UTI service listing

Please click on the link below and select ‘Pharmacy’ service, then under the search filters select the offering ‘Urinary tract infection treatment’.

National Health Services Directory | Service Finder

National Health Services Directory Service finder example 2

What to do

  1. If your pharmacy is listed and shows on the map after searching for a pharmacy that offers UTI treatment, you are already compliant with the Authority.
  2. If your pharmacy has an existing listing but is not showing on the map when the search is filtered for pharmacies offering a UTI service, you must update this by emailing the NHSD team at nhsd@healthdirect.org.au. Please notify them in your email that you would like to include UTI treatment as a service offering.
  3. If your pharmacy does not have a listing at all, you will need to register your pharmacy with the NHSD by completing the online registration form. When the NHSD team contacts you, please notify them that you would like to include UTI treatment as a service offering at your pharmacy.

Further information is available via Healthdirect and information for pharmacists about the treatment of UTIs is available on the NSW Health website.

This Practice Alert has been developed with the input of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA).

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