Disclaimer: This article was published in 2023 and reflects the information available at that time.
Victorian pharmacists may be aware of the Community Pharmacist Statewide Pilot scheduled to go live towards the end of October.
PDL continues to support the profession and members in the provision of professional services. PDL representatives have provided input to the Department of Health regarding risk management for this service.
For those pharmacists considering joining the pilot, PDL is pleased to state the following:
The PDL Master Policy automatically includes professional indemnity cover for members providing services in line with the approved pilot guidelines and protocols. Members do not need to inform PDL of their involvement in the pilot.
More information about the pilot can be found on the Department of Health website under ‘Victorian Community Pharmacist Statewide Pilot’.
Expressions of interest (EOI) opened on 18 September 2023, with no end date specified for making an EOI. EOIs are site-specific so pharmacy owners are responsible for applications rather than individual pharmacists. Information regarding the EOI can be found on the website EOI – Victorian Community Pharmacist Statewide Pilot | health.vic.gov.au.
The pilot will run for 12 months concluding in October 2024.
Pharmacists will have the option to practise within four streams. These are treatment of uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection in females, resupply of Oral Contraceptive Pills, administration of travel vaccination and provision of travel advice, and treatment of minor skin conditions. Pharmacists can opt into any or all four streams. The minor skin conditions stream will be commencing at a later date.
Additional training is required to participate in the pilot. This is to ensure safe clinical care and familiarity with the specific requirements of the trial. PDL is advised training will be available through the Australasian College of Pharmacy and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia.
MedAdvisor and MHR will be the main platforms for all documentation relating to the pilot. PDL would like to remind pharmacists to capture any declinature of service and be mindful of privacy obligations whilst undertaking the pilot. PDL strongly recommends that all records are of a high professional and clinical standard.
Provisionally registered (intern) pharmacists and pharmacists with conditions or undertakings on their registration are excluded. Pharmacies with VPA conditions impacting the safe use of medicines are excluded.
Business insurance
Proprietors are to ensure their business insurer is aware of participation in the pilot. Pharmacies with a current Guild Insurance Pharmacy Business Insurance Policy are covered for this service.
Individual indemnity insurance
Pharmacists who are not PDL members need to ensure that their professional indemnity insurer covers activities undertaken as part of the pilot.
PDL members can call 1300 854 838 for advice and incident support from one of our Professional Officers. Supporting our pharmacist members 24/7.