Disclaimer: This article was published in 2023 and reflects the information available at that time.
With the availability of the latest Pfizer (COMIRNATY®) Omicron XBB.1.5 vaccine, indicated for 12 years and over, there may be potential for selection or administration error. This is due to the packaging of the vial appearing very similar to the previous Pfizer (COMIRNATY) Bivalent BA.4-5 and BA.1 vials for similar age groups (12 years and over, and 18 years and over respectively).

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) states that Omicron XBB.1.5 vaccine is now preferred for use in primary courses and boosters. However, pharmacists may still have the older COMIRNATY bivalent stock and may receive patient requests for the older formulation.
Recommendations to avoid a stock selection mix-up
- Separate and label the different stock in your vaccine fridge.
- Take time to counsel each patient/parent/carer on all available variants (even if you do not have all variants on hand) in order to confirm the expected vaccine and variant using an open question, e.g. “As part of my checking process, please confirm which version of the vaccine you expect to receive today?”.
- Update your online booking tool to include the new vaccine type. Check with each patient that they have selected the intended vaccine before administering.
- Print and display the latest version of the Department of Health poster for COVID-19 vaccines in Australia (check for the most recent version when a new vaccine is released). Consider sending a copy to relevant team members to raise awareness for appearance of different COVID-19 vaccines.
General tips for good vaccination processes
- Always check the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) before vaccinating.
- Check the age of the patient prior to vaccination to establish eligibility.
- Follow ATAGI, the Australian Immunisation Handbook and other best practice guidelines, particularly around appropriate age groups as disregard of this advice may leave a pharmacist at risk of an incident or complaint.
- Regularly review your vaccination procedures and legislation changes in your jurisdiction and ensure your vaccination knowledge is up-to-date and recorded in your CPD Plan and CPD Record.
Further resources
PDL would encourage pharmacists to access information from a range of resources which may include the following:
- Australian Immunisation Handbook for up-to-date information on the COVID-19 Vaccination Program
- ATAGI updates/guidelines
- Your state/territory health department Immunisation Unit or Public Health Units
- COVID-19 Vaccine Operations Centre (VOC) on 1800 318 208
- PDL Professional Officers
PDL members can call 1300 854 838 for advice and incident support from one of our Professional Officers. Supporting our pharmacist members 24/7.